Thursday, December 2, 2010


Wow! I obviously didn't keep up with my goal of posting each day, something that I am thankful for! But still we had a nice Thanksgiving! And in reality, November flew by! I can not even believe December is here! Good grief!

Josiah and I went out super early Friday morning to stand in line at Target which opened an hour earlier this year than in years past. 4 am. We were there by 2:30 and it was soooo cooold! Once inside we got the 1 thing we'd really wanted to get and grabbed a couple other things. We paid and came back home and got back into bed. Too cold and too early!

After a few more hours of sleep we headed back out and hit a few more stores. Then we came home and did more shopping online. In hindsight we shoulda started our shopping online. (I think we will remember that for next year.) Now I just hope everything that we've ordered online gets here in time!

Alyssa sang at Barnes & Noble on the 30th w/her choir class. I wish there had been a better set up for it. I would have liked to see her. They were singing on the 2nd floor, which isn't a full's more like a mall where the center is cut out and you can see down to the 2nd floor. Anyway, they had the choir pretty much shoved in between some shelves of books and there was very little space for parents to stand/sit where they could actually see. We could hear them though and I guess that's good!

Tonight Rylie has an orchestra concert. She's fairly bummed though because they aren't playing any Christmas music. Lame!

We've got a lot going on this month and I can just see it flying by about as fast as November did! Hopefully I will get some pictures and get around to posting more often!

I hope everyone is doing well!


The Thomas Crew said...

Sarah I am totally there with you. I meant to post, but i get sidetracked!!! Maybe we will both do better in the new year :)

Saint Holiday said...

I thought maybe you didn't love us anymore.


Jenna said...

I love it when you post! I love to hear what's happening with you guys. It's so cool that the girls are so involved in music. And it IS sad that Christmas music hardly ever makes it to the school concerts anymore. I get frustrated with the same thing here.